domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day
Teacher's Day Ecuadorian is celebrated every year on April 13, it is a special date that pays tribute to all persons performing this task of being educators, teaching many people from an early age with a lot of effort for that that education, good people leave.

This commemorative date is set in 1920, under the government of Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno, and was instituted in honor Juen Fiallos Montalvo, who was a teacher and Ecuadorian novelist, born on April 13, 1832, in the city of Ambato.


Here are some tips on how to celebrate and pay tribute to those beloved teachers.

    The first thing you can do for that person wearing this profession if you live with it, you can make a rich American breakfast for when you wake up you have everything ready to start the day delighting rich foods.
    If you are her husband and children have children, you can propose them to make a cute mom gift, such as a craft, something done for you. It will be a much appreciated gift that is sure.
    To end this day, gather the whole family at a dinner will be the finishing touch to this day special, we will give you some tips that you can cook.
Ecuador comparison with Venezuela
No matter how many years go, we all remember a special teacher, that that somehow marked our childhood in those hours, sometimes they seemed endless, inside the classroom.

If we seek the meaning of the master word in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy found the following meaning: "a person who has title to teach in school first letters of the matters set out in the law" words far apart the true role that these figures on the growth of tomorrow's citizens.

Those good teachers, those who contribute to a better nation from their classrooms, are those that occur in each student the true esteem for knowledge, which is why the American psychiatrist Karl Menninger was emphatic in stating that "what the teacher is, it is more important than what he teaches. "
In Venezuela, we commemorate his commendable work every January 15, recalling that with dedication and patience, are, along with parents, who are the values ​​of small house.

The work of the teacher, the man or woman who has the unique ability to be the driver of childhood and youth is noble and elevated; his dedicated work to deliver their message of culture, education and patriotism must be analyzed from different angles and to the extent justipreciada its real worth.
It is the duty of the country, of rulers, exalt the memory of citizens who have targeted children, youth and have honored the nation; it is the duty of governments to improve the standard of living of these soldiers of the homeland, it is the duty of Ecuadorians recognize teachers or educators nation its self-sacrificing work and quiet in the service of generations, because young people are the strength and happy children dream of the Republic. In this context, the question is: why who learned to read, write and good values ​​President of the Republic, the Assembly, governors, prefects, mayors, among others? The answer is obvious: by the teacher / a.



The proposal is intended to institute a day tribute to teachers and it was on May 15, commemorative date of the decision of Queretaro.

The initiative was approved in 1917, and a year later was held for the first time this date.

This celebration day varies according to nations, but the World Teachers' Day, established by UNESCO, is celebrated on October 5.

The Inter-American Conference on Education (held in Panama in 1943) recommended the Pan celebrate Teachers' Day on September 11 (death of educator and Argentine President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento).


What states with more teachers are the State of Mexico and the Federal District. Entities with fewer teachers are Baja California Sur, Colima and Campeche.

80% of teachers, men have higher education and 72% in the case of the teachers.


Delicacies that can be eaten on the day of the master
or as a gift

Galería: Delicias con salmón                          Nutritional juices
raisins and chocolate ice cream

Song for the day of the teacher. You taught me to fly
Chirrin Chirrin, song performed in the movie "El Profe" starring Mario Moreno "Cantinflas"
Mommy Maestra, Topo Gigioy
Dear Professor, Parchis


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