sábado, 28 de mayo de 2016

The battle of Pichincha

The battle of Pichincha
May 24 Battle of Pichincha Summary

The Battle of May 24. THE BATTLE OF PICHINCHA May 24, 1822

It was the battle of liberation from Spanish rule. A historic moment for the republic of Ecuador. History points to Marshal Antonio Jose de Sucre as the great manager of the Battle of Pichincha that gave way to a process of independence that materialize after the August 10 Independence of Ecuador.

After the release of Guayaquil on October 9, 1820, the country enters a deep overhaul of its identity and after two failed attempts to free themselves from oppression, the great battle occurs on the slopes of Pichincha volcano, hence history remembers that episode as the Battle of Pichincha.

It was in 1822, where Sucre decides to face the Spanish troops with 1,700 men over the days became 3000 thanks to San Martin.

The big day was coming, it was the early morning of May 23 when troops silently run the Pichincha to plan what would be the battle of freedom and triumph.

After setbacks and hours of waiting, on May 24 the battle under a blazing sun occurs. Despite the casualties, the victorious soldiers were climbing the summit of the volcano. Once at the top exclamaron victory and thus one of the most memorable in the history of Ecuador devoted days.

May 24 is considered a civic date of the heroes who gave their lives for freedom. With the Battle of Pichincha, Ecuador political independence that marked the beginning of the Republican and independent life of Ecuador it was sealed

The Pichincha battle is celebrated in Ecuador is celebrated on May 27

Tuesday May 24, 2016 is celebrated, but by Executive Decree on appropriate mandatory rest day moved to Friday 27 May to add to the weekend

As the day of the Battle of Pichincha held
  in Ecuador the days of battle Pichincha a day of reflection is celebrated with family one day union with all the people around us and have a family trip or a picnic exercising

Friday 27 - Saturday 28 - Sunday 29

Historical review

Battle of Pichincha holiday, May 25, national holiday.

The Battle of Pichincha occurred on May 24, 1822 on the slopes of Pichincha volcano, over 3,000 meters above sea level, near the city of Quito in Ecuador today.

The meeting, which took place in the context of the Spanish-American Wars of Independence, faced the in de pendentista army under the leadership of Venezuelan general Antonio Jose de Sucre and the realistic army commanded by General Aymerich.

Defeat of the Spanish forces led to the liberation of Quito and assured independence the provinces that belonged to the Real Audience de Quito, also known as the Presidency of Quito, the Spanish Colonial administrative jurisdiction of which finally emerged the Republic of Ecuador .


As the battle of Pichincha held in Ecuador
the Battle of Pichincha in Ecuador is celebrated with military acts where all authority to the streets dressed them and parades where the authorities do pirouettes representation to battle pichincha and making a small representation of the 24de May

Anniversary celebration of the Battle of Pichincha

The Embassy of Ecuador in the United States, together with the Air Attaché, Military and Naval accredited in Washington D.C., hosted a reception on the occasion of the celebration of the anniversary of the Battle of Pichincha Day of the Ecuadorian Armed Forces.

Mentioned reception was attended by over a hundred people between civilian, military and diplomatic corps in the United States.

In the words of Ambassador Luis Gallegos, he gave an account of the heroic triumph of Mariscal Antonio Jose de Sucre in the Battle of Pichincha on May 24, 1822.

Origin of the July 4 independence day united states

In the spring of 1775, after more than a decade of agitation against British policies and the first battles of the War of Independence, the 13 American colonies sent representatives to the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia. After much debate about severing ties with Britain, representatives voted unanimously for independence on July 2, 1776.

The next day, in a letter to his wife, the representative of Massachusetts, John Adams, he said the date "should be solemn with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one to another ends of this continent henceforth and forever. "

Thus, two days after his important vote, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence and sent copies to the entire country. The statement was dated July 4, that the new nation adopted as Independence Day. Adams was right about how the American people would celebrate. Even when the new country was struggling to make independence a reality, July 4 was quickly marked by parades, concerts, food and fireworks.

Patriotic day
On July 4, 1776, the US signed its independence from the British government, beginning to take shape power it is today. Since then, this date has become in celebration for Americans, who take advantage of the early days of summer barbecues and display their flags. This is just the beginning of endless activities that have prominence the great icons of the country, the stars of its flag, baseball games or eagles.

Ways to celebrate the 4th of July
Americans celebrate July 4 in different ways, depending on the part of the country where they reside. In Texas worship a day rodeo in California getaways to peaceful beaches, inland areas, a good picnic or barbecue-based burgers, ribs or hot dogs, while jazz festivals invade Kentucky and the Declaration of Independence is read, live in the city of Boston; holding each place adapts to its particular vision.
The parades are also typical claims in large cities, while contests watermelon invite to use competition as a reason to give the best glutton, being the most consumed fruit during the Independence Day

However, the great highlight of every good July 4 that claims are fireworks. The most prominent is the Statue of Liberty, on the island of Manhattan, one entirely related to the sense of independence for American monument, so the fireworks shot in this place acquires a notorious role with more than 22 tons of goods pyrotechnical, while other mythical places like Lake Michigan in Chicago, San Francisco bay or the reflecting pool at Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC also let out their own fires.
How it is celebrated on July 4 in the United States

Independence Day in the United States is held every July 4, evoking the most famous throughout the country party (with permission of Thanksgiving). A day to let off rockets, be more patriotic and generally celebrate.
patriotic day
On July 4, 1776, the US signed its independence from the British government, beginning to take shape power it is today. Since then, this date has become in celebration for Americans, who take advantage of the early days of summer barbecues and display their flags. This is just the beginning of endless activities that have prominence the great icons of the country, the stars of its flag, baseball games or eagles.
Ways to celebrate the 4th of July
Americans celebrate July 4 in different ways, depending on the part of the country where they reside. In Texas worship a day rodeo in California getaways to peaceful beaches, inland areas, a good picnic or barbecue-based burgers, ribs or hot dogs, while jazz festivals invade Kentucky and the Declaration of Independence is read, live in the city of Boston; holding each place adapts to its particular vision.
The parades are also typical claims in large cities, while contests watermelon invite to use competition as a reason to give the best glutton, being the most consumed fruit during the Independence Day.

Unlike the celebration of Ecuador with the July 4 Independence Day United States

in the United States on July 4 is celebrated in the United States at this time celebrated in some way. Whether out traveling the weekend (many take some extra days of holiday) or sharing the event with friends and family. So we can see festivals, sporting events, barbecues, parties and parades everywhere.

But it is not necessary to celebrate with many people and have a big party (although can be a fun idea and crowned night with traditional fireworks!).

If you do not have the option or do not want to travel the weekend or organize a big party to honor the values ​​that are celebrated on this date held outdoors, it is another alternative.

and instead in Ecuador
military acts in the Top of Liberty and parades in the streets of the capital commemorating 188 years of the Battle of Pichincha. On the slopes of this volcano, May 24, 1822, the troops of Antonio Jose de Sucre reached Independence of Ecuador.

The first act to remember the historic feat will take place in the Temple museum of the country, in the Cima de la Libertad, where a wreath will be placed at 08:00.

Half an hour later it is expected to unveil a bust of Manuela Saenz, in the Hall of Arms of the Temple of the country and will launch a postage stamp with the legend "Liberating Manuela".

Food and drink
typical foods that make up the menu at this time are those traditional of American culture, which are easy to cook and can share with many guests, such as hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, salad, cole slaw and to close a delicious apple pie!


 wherever you decide to celebrate and organize your meeting with friends and family, if you want to allegoric far, only you need some decorative details.
one of the most characteristic symbols of this event, therefore any object, crockery or utensil that is decorated with this or have their colors, they can be part of the atmosphere. Wreaths and disposable to celebrate equality and freedom.
 The battle of Pichincha

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