domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Mother's Day

Origin of Mother's Day
It is a celebration honoring mothers, maternal bonds, and its influence on society. The 2016 Mother's Day is celebrated on May 1 in Spain but in many parts of the world is celebrated on different days, most often in March or May. This festival is not related to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have occurred throughout the world for thousands of years, as the Greek cult of Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Sunday celebration of Christian motherhood. However, in many countries this day is related to the oldest traditions.

In the fifteenth century, the British began to celebrate Mothering Sunday, first at the beginning of Lent and then the fourth Sunday of Lent. In 1908, the United States developed the modern celebration of Mother's Day, created in memory of the mother of Professor Anna Jarvis. UK began to adopt this festival in 1914 and Germany in 1923. Other countries formalized as Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey and Australia today and continue this tradition.

In most countries a recent celebration is derived from the celebrations developed in the United States. Approved by other countries and cultures, the festival has different meanings, associated to different events (religious, historical or legendary), and celebrated on different dates. In some cases, countries that already had their own celebration in honor of motherhood, subsequently adopted several superficial features of the US holiday, like giving carnations or such other gifts. The extension of this celebration is very variable. In some countries, it is potentially offensive to a mother not to celebrate the date of Mother's Day. In others, it is a little known festival celebrated mainly by immigrants, or covered by the media as a sign of foreign culture

Mother's Day in Ecuador is held every year on the second Sunday of May.

On Mother's Day, make a special tribute to that dear woman, write messages telling you love, make a poem, send your favorite flowers, a box of chocolates, a breakfast or a day at the SPA.

The mother is where children first we turn when we have problems, without asking who knows what happens to us and we can always count on her. For more mistakes we may make in our lives, it will always be there to greet us again. Because as they say "mother no more than one".

Therefore, they deserve more than a flower, a perfume or a gift. They deserve every day we show them as we want and we tell them how important they are to us. Everyday is Mother's day.

Meals for Mother's Day

Breakfast for Mom made by children

Recipes children
Strawberry Cupcakes
Recipes children
Sandwich with medal
Recipes children
Cereal bars
Recipes children
Cupcake-shaped pink

Recipes meals for the Day of Madr

Mushrooms with cheese
Grilled aubergines
Zucchini rolls
Heart cake
Apple pancakes

 Recetas de niños

Hijab de and chocolate delights
Dinner menu mothers
Italian tomatoes with tuna
Sandwich with dress
Stuffed Whiting
Quiche cherry tomatoes
Candy with nuts
 Recetas de niñosRecetas de niños

The Mother's Day in America
 Día de la Madre en Estados Unidos 2016
The Mother's Day in America is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May, this day thanks to two women, one of them held Julia Ward Howe, writer and author of the anthem of the Republic, she wanted to honor the mothers devoting an exclusive day for them, in 1872 began to hold meetings to celebrate mother's day in Boston, where she lived.

The other influence on this day is Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis, a housewife who created the Day International Association of Mother in 1905, in commemoration of her mother Anne arie Reeves Jarvis, who in the Civil War in the US, is he strove to achieve an improvement in the health conditions of both sides.

You should know that this is a very important and special day for many women and should not necessarily be biological mothers on this day also pays tribute to adoptive mothers, stepmothers, aunts, godmothers and other women who fulfill the role of mother.

Popular songs for mothers day

Dear little mother - Vicente Fernandez
My girlfriend's getting old me - Ricardo Arjona
GEMA The Dandies
Juan Gabriel eternal love
Mom - Timbiriche
My sweetie - Pedro Infante


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